Categories: PPM

by Moventus


Categories: PPM

by Moventus


Managing projects is a coordinated dance that requires both strategy and execution. In a time where the pace of change and complexity of initiatives is constantly increasing the right tools can make all the difference. Clarity is a modern project portfolio management solution offering a streamlined, efficient approach to managing projects of all sizes.

Let’s dive into a few of our favorite capabilities for managing your project portfolio within Clarity.

Templates for New Project Initiation

First up: the “New From Template” feature makes kicking off a new project in Clarity quick and easy. By selecting a pre-defined template, project managers can hit the ground running, equipped with a robust framework tailored to their project’s specific needs. Each template leverages organizational best practices that can quickly be modified. So, whether it’s a green initiative or a tech rollout, setting up a project is as simple as picking a template, adding a name, and diving into the planning phase.

Comprehensive Task Management and Visualization

One of the key strengths of Clarity is its task management capabilities. The tasks page presents a complete work breakdown structure, making it easy to visualize phases and tasks within a project. The interactive Gantt chart enhances project planning and tracking by allowing managers to edit and add tasks, rearrange them, and define dependencies. Clarity gives complete flexibility to modify or delete tasks, ensuring that the project plan remains adaptive to changing needs, while integration options with tools like Microsoft Project cater to those seeking advanced functionalities.

Resource to Task Matching

Clarity goes beyond traditional task management by incorporating an innovative staff listing feature. It doesn’t just list the roles required; it enables project managers to assign the right individuals to these roles efficiently and offers the option to add resource manager approvals in situations that require sign-off. For example, assigning an analyst to a project is as straightforward as double-clicking and selecting the individual suited for the role. This feature not only simplifies the resource allocation process but also ensures that projects are staffed with the ideal mix of skills and expertise.

More Than Just Tasks

Projects aren’t merely a collection of tasks, and Clarity’s capabilities give you control over every aspect of a project. With it, project managers can collaborate and manage risks, issues, changes, documents, lessons learned, and gain a comprehensive view of a project’s health. Identify and manage potential pitfalls from the get-go and streamline issue management with clear visibility into outstanding problems, their categories, and their impacts. And all of this is contained in one place, instead of spread across SharePoint, Teams, Slack, etc.

Reporting and Status Updates

One of the most significant challenges in project management is maintaining transparent and up-to-date communication with stakeholders. Clarity addresses this by automating the creation of status reports. Project managers can easily report on key accomplishments, upcoming activities, and overall project health without additional effort. The inclusion of risks, tasks, and other data points in these reports ensures that stakeholders have a holistic view of the project’s status at any given time.

Unified Portfolio Overview

Beyond individual projects, Clarity delivers a comprehensive view of the entire project portfolio. Leadership can launch into the portfolio hierarchy to view all ongoing projects, their statuses, and key metrics. This visibility ensures that decisions are data-driven, aligning projects with organizational goals and maximizing resource utilization.

Clarity is setting a new standard for project management software with robust features and an intuitive design. It addresses the common challenges faced by PMOs and IT professionals, from managing complex projects and aligning them with business strategies to optimizing resource allocation and mitigating risks. Take a closer look at the features we’ve discussed above in this video (link to PPM video) or through a personalized demo.


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