Product | Financial Planning

Achieve Financial Transparency

Gain visibility into the financial data you need for effective financial planning, supporting reporting and maintaining accountability across your organization. Moventus integrates financial planning metrics with work, resources, and strategy to maximize impact.

Financial Planning Software for Projects

Know where your money is going with financial planning insights

Roll up financials across projects to track spending and share with leadership to enhance decision-making and inform planning. Create what-if scenarios to model the effects of any budget changes you’re considering.

Know where your money is going - Financial Planning Software for Projects
Align projects and costs in one place - Financial Planning Software for Projects

Align projects and costs in one place

Manage financial and project data in one place to stay organized and simplify budgeting and forecasting. With unlimited auditable versions and targeted views, users only see the information they need.

Make your spending count with effective financial planning

Gain visibility into spend on each project to analyze financial performance, identify capitalizable expenses, and prepare auditable reports. Use real-time insight into financial plans, trends, and forecasts to make better decisions and optimize results.

Make your spending count - Financial Planning Software for Projects
Eliminate tedious manual reporting - Financial Planning Software for Projects

Eliminate tedious manual reporting in financial planning

Auto-generate financial reports and customize for different audiences or export to applications like Power BI for deeper analysis. Give everyone the financial data they need—in their preferred format—and the power to create on-demand reports to get the answers they require in real-time.

Capitalize on your financial information with strategic financial planning

Optimize performance with financial clarity. Whatever insights you need, Moventus can help.


See the outcomes of business decisions before you make them. Build what-if scenarios for different combinations of initiatives and budget changes to assess your options and make better decisions.


Use pre-built Power BI reports or customize by project, configure for different users, share across teams, and auto-create financial reports to eliminate manual work and keep everyone informed.


Analyze financials your way. Connect with an array of popular reporting and enterprise applications—including Tableau, PowerBI, Click, Congos, Blocker, and most BI software—or export to Excel.


Align work in progress to top-line organizational OKRs—measure and report on progress toward objectives to keep stakeholders informed.


Assess time and resources allocated to projects to inform financial reporting, annual planning, and update executives. Timesheets are iterative, with version and editing history available for auditing—route approvals to anyone or no one, auto-approve, or sign-off via email.

Target Planning

Measure roadmap projects against important target metrics and see how changes would affect your plan. Customize priority scoring criteria, weight values, and sort by rank.

Portfolio Overview

Roll up financial data across your projects to monitor portfolio progress by segment. Dig into individual projects to identify and address issues.


Monitor project progress in real-time. Customize views to track specific information and share across users for easy collaboration.


Organize and prioritize your work with task views that include list, grid, timeline, Kanban board, and Gantt chart.

Action Item Responder

Simplify collaboration with executives and across departments by empowering users to triage workflows, timesheets, approvals, and more by responding directly from email—without having to log in and check a box.

Request a Demo

Managing projects efficiently is crucial. Moventus pricing packages are tailored to your specific needs. Contact our team to get your customized package.